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Fuldend disse historier (du finder dem i lookbokke’en)
1. Once upon a tim Dana had tried …….
2.- Hearing the Neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel ……
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Vi trækker lod om en vinder af et gavekort til Bolia på 500 kr. den 30. august kl. 20.00

Eva Vejlstrup
august 16, 2013 at 19:381. Once upon a tim Eva had tried cooking, but then she married a Chef (true story)
2. Hearing my husband vacuuming made me feel like dancing
Love from Eva //
Mette Süberling
august 16, 2013 at 20:201. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. Once.
2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
Anne Marie Jørgensen
august 16, 2013 at 21:431. Once upon a time Dana had tried cooking.
2.- Hearing the Neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
Once upon a time Dana had tried cooking her grandmothers recipe for oldfashion thanksgiving turkey. Dana took a glass of wine before the begun cooking – her nervous hands dropped the whine all over the old recipe note.
Well, I can remember the recipe Dana thought to herself and went on.
In desperate time pressure Dana told her daughter Elisabeth to clean the house.
Everything look fantastic when the guests came. the all ate the thanksgiving dinner. Dana looked at the carpet, she saw dust..
The neighbours began their cleaning after a party, and hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty. Maybe she could have made it look nicer for her guests and her mothers sake..
Marlene Høj
august 17, 2013 at 10:531. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. Once.
2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
august 17, 2013 at 11:151. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking.
2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
pia sroka
august 17, 2013 at 14:301. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. Once. 2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
Rikke Bisgård Sørensen
august 17, 2013 at 17:181: Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. Once. 2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
1: Once upon a time, Dana took a long nap, after having sent her children to school.
2: Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Dana wanting to take a nap, instead of cleaning her messy house.
august 17, 2013 at 20:531. Once upon a tim Dana had tried to climb the sofa, which left her feeling confused. The sofa looked so soft, yet somehow her owners wouldn’t let her puppy self sleep in it.
2.- Hearing the Neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel lonely because she always vacuumed with her mother and she wasn’t here anymore.
august 17, 2013 at 21:161. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. Once. 2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
Johanna Nyborg Bendtsen
august 17, 2013 at 21:461: Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. Once. 2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty. 1: Once upon a time, Dana took a long nap, after having sent her children to school. 2: Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Dana wanting to take a nap, instead of cleaning her messy house.
august 17, 2013 at 22:411: Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. Once. 2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty. 1: Once upon a time, Dana took a long nap, after having sent her children to school. 2: Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Dana wanting to take a nap, instead of cleaning her messy house. 😉
august 18, 2013 at 02:101.Once upon a time Dana had tried cooking.
2. Hearing the Neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
3. Leaving a reply at a blog at 4 am made Tine want a new bed.
Gitte Seloy
august 18, 2013 at 02:421. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. Once.
2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
1. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. It turned out that she was a brilliant cook. So she kept doing it.
2. Never again Dana had to do the vacuuming. She could make everybody do that by cooking for them.
august 18, 2013 at 09:031 – Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking – and had to buy a new kitchen!
2 – Hearing the neighbours vaccuming made Elisabeth feel guilty!
august 18, 2013 at 09:291. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. Once. 2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
august 18, 2013 at 10:13Victoria had bought a brand new beautiful couch, and it made her feel alive again. She had been ill for a year, after an accident and slowly she was accepting that her life never would be the same again. Not being able to work her money was small, and she had saved ud for the couch for 6 mounth. That couch made her living room a hole new home for her, and the start of a new and better life. She was happy and knew she had made a friend for life.
Christina Jensen
august 18, 2013 at 12:071. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. Once. 2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
Lene Elnegaard
august 18, 2013 at 13:461. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. 2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
august 18, 2013 at 14:32Looking at furniture, made the mother of four, wish she had Not-messy-children.
august 19, 2013 at 01:351. Cooking
2. Guilty
Kamille Parsgaard
august 19, 2013 at 09:131. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. Once.
2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
3. Sometimes she felt just to give up. But the book she was reading, makes her life feel a less ordinary.
Stine B
august 19, 2013 at 11:081. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. Once. 2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
Sam Conradsen
august 19, 2013 at 11:531. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. Once.
2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
Sam Conradsen
Kathrine H. Hansen
august 19, 2013 at 13:38Fed konkurence! 🙂
1. Once upon a tim Eva had tried cooking, but then she married a Chef (true story)
2. Hearing my husband vacuuming made me feel like dancing
Mvh. Kathrine Højgaard Hansen
august 19, 2013 at 14:57Hearing the Neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty about watching opera insted of cleaning her own place.
Seline T
august 19, 2013 at 17:081. Once upon a tim Dana had tried to climb the sofa, which left her feeling confused. The sofa looked so soft, yet somehow her owners wouldn’t let her puppy self sleep in it.
2.- Hearing the Neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel lonely because she always vacuumed with her mother and she wasn’t here anymore.
Cecilie Bjørnskov
august 19, 2013 at 17:391. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking.
2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
Så fin en konkurrence! Jeg er vild med historierne, bloggen og Bolia. Krydser fingre X X
Kærlig hilsen Cecilie
Kristina K
august 19, 2013 at 19:331. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. Once. 2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
august 19, 2013 at 21:091: Once upon a tim Dana had tried cooking
2: Hearing the Neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty
Ninni Gustavsen
august 22, 2013 at 09:581: Once upon a time Dana had tried cooking. Once
2: Hearing the neighbours vaccuming made Elisabeth feel guilty. Since Sniffles the hamster had run away, she hadn’t dared to do it herself. // Ninni Gustavsen
Pia Rotbøl
august 26, 2013 at 18:501. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. Once. 2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
She always felt like an elephant in a porcelain shop when she was called to her boss’ office
sisse marie
august 26, 2013 at 20:071. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. 2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty. Tror jeg det er:-)
Pernille Thomsen
august 27, 2013 at 10:531. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. 2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming mad Elisabeth feel guilty.
1. Once upon a time, two people in love bought an old house. They decided that flee markets would be the place to find furnitures that would honor the oak wood floors and mysterius rooms. It worked, and they were happy. But after a while, they knew that something was missing. Something contemporary, something brand new. On a sunny afternoon, hearing the neighbours vacuuming, they decided to go for a ride – Bolia was where they ended…
line lind
august 27, 2013 at 17:541. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking.
2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
august 28, 2013 at 17:22Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking but it did not went well. Her kitchen is old and ugly and she does not like to be there. She really need some new accessories to make her kitchen look nice again.
She lives together with her good friend named Elisabeth, in an apartment. But the apartment is almost empty and it is not very nice, because they are both studying and really need some money to buy som furnitures and things. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty, because she can’t afford a vacuum cleaner.
Please help Dana and Elisabeth, so they can have some nice interior. They both love Bolia and they will be so thankful!
Anette Stokholm
august 29, 2013 at 12:081. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking
2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
Christina sylvest noer
august 29, 2013 at 12:11Den originale udgave :
1. Once upon a tim Eva had tried cooking, but then she married a Chef
2. Hearing my husband vacuuming made me feel like dancing
Og så for sarte sjæle eller dem med manglende engelskundskaber
1.Engang for længe siden, Eva havde prøvet sig med at lave mad men giftede sig istedet med en kok
2. At hører min mand støvesuge, fik mig til at føle, at jeg dansede.
Så krydser vi alt hvad der kan herhjemme og så håber vi graviditetsblæreren kan klare presset .. Når nu benene er krydset
Mette Lindberg (mettesmaleri)
august 29, 2013 at 12:131. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. Once.
2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
Jeg krydser ALT!
Line Bork
august 29, 2013 at 12:141. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking.
2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
Pia Hansen
august 29, 2013 at 12:171. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. Once. 2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
marianne pedersen
august 29, 2013 at 13:241. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. Once. 2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
F .Madsen
august 29, 2013 at 15:411. Once upon a time, Dana had tried cooking. Once.
2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty.
Charlotte Hansen
august 29, 2013 at 16:45Once upon a time Dana had tried cooking, once- not twice- once..
Hearing the Neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guily Since Sniffles the hamster had run away, she hadn´t dared to do it herself. Elisabeth thought she had 2 apples, but she was wrong. She only had one apple. There was an apple here, but its gone now.
Lena T. Mikkelsen
august 29, 2013 at 17:111. Once upon a time Dana had tried cooking. Once.
2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty
august 29, 2013 at 21:251. Once upon a time Dana had tried cooking. Once.
2. Hearing the neighbours vacuuming made Elisabeth feel guilty. Since sniffles the hamster had run away, she hadn’t dared to do it herself.