If you're ugly, wear a mask III – Dagens Poster

Jeg har længe kigget på dette værk uden at bide mærke i titlen, som jeg faktisk er ret sjov. Illustrationen har virket lidt spooky på mig, men jeg er alligevel draget af den hver gang jeg støde på den, der er nemlig også noget smukt vedhende her. Nu deler jeg den med jer, og vil da gerne høre hvad i synes?

Kunstneren hedder Florian Meacci og du kan finde plakaten hos Artelimited.com


If you're ugly, wear a mask III - Dagens Poster

I’ve had a look at this art work for a long time, without noticing the title, which I actually quite fun. The illustration has provoked me a little and seemed creepy, but I am still drawn to it every time I come across it, because there’s also something beautiful about it I think. Today I share it with you and would like to hear what you think?

The artist is Florian Meacci and you can find the poster at Artelimited.com




If you're ugly, wear a mask III – Dagens Poster
If you're ugly, wear a mask III – Dagens Poster
Jeg har længe kigget på dette værk uden at bide mærke i titlen, som jeg faktisk er ret sjov. Illustrationen har virket lidt spooky på mig, men

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Alisa V. Santana
    august 9, 2013 at 20:48

    The ceremony can of course be adapted to a number of modern uses, such as a prayer for the health of employees, for the smooth running of machinery or for domestic pets. As for Cato’s statement that a woman may not see or take part in the ceremony, it is of course a matter for individual worshippers as to whether they interpret this as a religious rule, or simply a recommendation which reflects the beliefs of Cato’s time, and can therefore be altered without causing offence to the gods (I personally fall into the latter camp).

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