Dagens Poster – Aerofauna II

“Aiiiii hvor sjovt”, det var det første jeg tænkte da jeg så Dagens Poster. Er det en fugl? eller er det en raket? Super cool og sjovt fundet på.

Valero Doval er fra spanien og står bag fuglen her. Aerofauna II er en del af en serie som du kan se her: ValeroDovalDagens Poster - Aerofauna II



“Yay … this is fun”, that was the first thing I thought of when I saw Today’s Poster. Is it a bird or is it a rocket? -Super cool and creatively conceived.

Valero Doval is from Spain and is behind the artwork. Aerofauna II, is part of a series as you can see here: ValeroDoval

Dagens Poster – Aerofauna II
Dagens Poster – Aerofauna II

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Angelica Y. Landry
    maj 3, 2013 at 10:31

    First time, I thought Art-Umbrella will be boring. Before time, I thought Art is not a computer project. But it IS a art. It was really super cool time while we were doing the Art-Umbrella. And too bad now we finished.

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