De af jer der følger bloggen, og har gjort det længe, ved at jeg har en svaghed for Starwars plakater – altså naturligvis ikke idol plakater, men kunst print som dette.
Hvem falder ikke for en Stormwalker? Jeg er vild med den, den er alt for fed!
God weekend and keep moonwalking!
Plakater af Gareth Payne og kan købes hos Sø
Those of you who follow the blog, and have done so for a while, know that I have a weakness for Star Wars posters – that is of course not idol posters, but art print like this.
Who dosn’t fall in love with a storm Walker? I love it, it’s way to cool!
Have a great weekend and keep on moonwalking!
The poster is by Gareth Payne and can be purchased at Sø
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